At DVS homework is set to help the children develop and apply their learning.
Reception Class (Acorns)
- Within Reception, pupils will be sent home with individual words which include a range of phonetically decodable and common exception words (tricky words). These will be linked to what they have been learning in phonics that week.
- Parents are also asked to read with children each night to develop their skills and nurture a passion for reading.
- Home learning is on the newsletter that can be found on the Acorn page on the website.
- Access to Sumdog is given for fun additional maths work.
Key Stage 1 (Birch)
- In Birch class, all children will receive a piece of Maths homework. This work will be linked to what the children have been doing in class.
- An English task will be set. This will be either a SPAG task or a comprehension for year 2 children.
- Children will also have a weekly Spelling list to focus on. We will test the spellings on a Friday each week.
- Children have access to Sumdog.
- The homework will be sent out on a Thursday and come back on a Tuesday.
- All homework should be completed to a high standard, in a writing pencil unless otherwise stated e.g. submitting work online or other creative activities.
- If drawing is part of the homework, children should use colour pencils to colour in their work.
- You may wish to guide your child with what they need to do but please encourage them to attempt the homework independently. Reassure them that you will check it once they have completed the whole piece or each section.
Reading at Home
- Children should also read aloud at home every day for at least 15 minutes to an adult or older sibling. Children should also be encouraged to read independently in addition to this time if they are able to.
- The reading book will be changed once a week. Please sign their record to show that they have read at home.
- Please ensure your child brings their book and reading record to school every day in case we can listen to them more often.
- Homework and reading should be an achievable challenge. Please speak to the class teacher if it is too easy or too difficult for your child to complete.
Key Stage 2
(Willows and Oak)
Homework in year 3 and 4 is given out on a Thursday and should be back in school by the following Tuesday so that it can be marked. Homework is differentiated so that every child gains maximum benefit from it.
- Maths work is set each week and related to the work being done in class.
- An English task is set. This will be a comprehension or a SPAG activity.
- Spellings are set each week and are differentiated.
- Multiplication work is set.
- Children have access to Sumdog.
- All children are encouraged to read each day.
Weekly spelling and timetable tests take place every Friday.
Children in year 5 and 6 are expected to read for a sustained period of time (20 mins or more) 5 days a week. In addition to this, they are also expected to spend time on Sumdog.
- Maths work is set each week.
- Two English tasks are set. One around SPAG and the other, a comprehension.
- The children have spelling set each week.
- Children are encouraged to work on their multiplication skills.
During breaks the children do not have homework set for them. They are encouraged to continue with daily reading and an optional task is set for the whole school. The task encourages communication and discussions and aims to focus on mental wellbeing, as well as being fun and practical.