School Lunches
We are delighted to be able to offer hot lunch provision at Denham Village School. The lunch will be prepared fresh every day by our hub kitchen located in St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Chalfonts. We are very proud that we are able to use local produce to provide a wide variety of good quality, healthy food which we are able to offer our children.
The cost of lunch per day is currently £2.75. School lunches are paid for online using Parent Mail, where it is also possible for you to view your child's statement for lunches taken.
All pupils are escorted to the lunch hall and assist by the many adults employed to supervise during the lunchtime.
Pupils, who chose not to have a hot meal can bring a packed lunch. Lunches should be labelled clearly and adhere to the 'Healthy School' guidelines. We ask that you do not include sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks in your child's lunch box. We are also a 'Nut Free' school and items containing nuts are not permitted.
For reasons of safety we are unable to allow the use of glass bottles or cans. Plastic bottles or cartons of drink are perfectly acceptable