Year Group
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Magical Times with Nursery Rhymes
To Infinity and Beyond
Once Upon a Time
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Rumble in the Jungle
Commotion in the Ocean
Communication and Language
- Listen attentively and understand the importance of listening.
- Listen to and talk about stories and nonfiction they have heard gaining an understanding of the different types of texts.
- Listen to rhyme, rhythm and song; recalling, copying and playing what they have heard.
- Respond to what they have heard with relevant thoughts, questions and comments.
- Learn and use new vocabulary
- Offer ideas in full sentences, connecting ideas using words such as ‘and’ and ‘because’
- Recall events and stories in some detail using their own words and repeated phrases.
- Hold twoway conversations with their peers using some social phrases.
- Use talk for problem solving and negotiating during play.
- Apply new vocabulary in different contexts
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Settling into school
- Building friendships
- Identifying feelings
- Sharing ideas
- Managing needs
- Kindness week
- Similarities and differences
- Building resilience
- Healthy and unhealthy food
- Being respectful
- Healthy me
- Relationships
- Teamwork
- How to recognise feelings
- Transition into Yr 1
- Adjusting to changes
- Water and sun safety
Physical Development
- First PE
- Word Moves
- Gymnastics
- Fairy Tale Dance
- Multi Skills
- Enjoy a Ball
- Phase 2 phonics
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Humpty Dumpty
- Twinkle Twinkle
- 1,2,3,4,5
- Little Bo Peep
- Laura’s Star
- The Very Busy Spider
- Phase 2 phonics
- Whatever Next
- Tim Peake
- The Man on the Moon
- Aliens Love Underpants
- Phase 3 phonics
- Three Billy Goats Gruff
- The Gingerbread Man
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Enormous Turnip
- Phase 3 phonics
- The Very Helpful Hedgehog
- Rosie’s Walk
- The Little Red Hen
- Farmer Duck
- Phase 4 phonics
- The Tiger who came to Tea
- The MixedUp Chameleon
- The Selfish Crocodile
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Phase 4 phonics
- The Rainbow Fish
- Sharing a Shell
- Tiddler
- The Princess Mermaid’s Treasure Hunt
- Subitising objects and sounds within 3
- Focus on counting skills
- Explore how all numbers are made of 1s
- Focus on composition of 3 and 4
- Comparison of sets – ‘just by looking’
- Focus on the ‘fiveness of 5’ using one hand and the die pattern for 5
- Comparison of sets – by matching
- Explore the concept of ‘whole’ and ‘part’
- Focus on the composition of 3, 4 and 5
- Practising object counting skills
- Match numerals to quantities within 10
- Verbal counting beyond 20
- Positional language
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Subitise within 5 focusing on die patterns
- Match numerals to quantities within 5
- Counting – focus on ordinality and the ‘staircase’ pattern
- One more
- Focus on 5
- Focus on 6 and 7 as ‘5 and a bit’
- Compare sets and use language of comparison
- Make unequal sets equal
- Ordering numbers to 8
- Less than
- Doubles – exploring how some numbers can be made with equal parts
- Sorting numbers according to attributes – odd and even numbers
- Matching pairs
- Patterns
- Comparing mass
- Counting – larger sets and things that cannot be seen
- Subitising – to 6.
- Composition – ‘5 and a bit’
- Composition – of 10
- Comparison – linked to ordinality
- Track games
- Introduction to rekenrek
- Time
- Sharing and grouping
- Comparing capacity
- Floating and sinking
Understanding the World
- Autumn
- Harvest
- Parts of a plant
- Space
- Diwali
- Bonfire
- Christmas
- Day/night – nocturnal animals
- Light sources
- Winter
- Mother’s Day
- Planting
- Cooking
- Spring
- Easter
- Life cycles
- Weather changes
- Recycling
- Living things (land animals)
- Camouflage
- Summer
- Living things (sea creatures)
- Seaside in the past
- Keeping our oceans clean
Expressive Arts and Design
- Using tools for a purpose
- Selfportraits
- Textured painting
- Junk modelling structures
- Learning and performing nursery rhymes
- Christmas cards
- Hospital role play
- Making a solar system
- Colour mixing
- Firework paintings
- Mixed media
- Collage
- 3D models
- Puppets
- Clay hedgehogs
- Farm shop role play
- Printing and collaging
- Stained glass butterflies
- Matching colours
- Bubble pictures
- Colour mixing
- Painting with different materials