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PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship)

PSCHE develops the qualities and attributes children need to be healthy, independent and active participants in society and is taught throughout the school using a thematic scheme of work which is adapted to suit the needs of each cohort. Our long-term plan is designed so that each class from year 1 to year 6 are learning the same topics at the same time. The units (which are in line with PSHE Association Programme of Study) cover the main PSCHE areas of Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Relationships. Lessons include strategies to support children’s mental health, navigating the digital world and keeping safe.  At the end of the academic year, RSE is taught throughout the school to individual year groups so that the content delivered is age specific.

Reception are taught using a separate curriculum which covers personal, social and emotional development.